Flarum SEO extension
V17 Development has built all in one SEO extension for your Flarum community. It has been downloaded over 10,000 times and is one of the most popular extensions available on the platform.
Fully fledged SEO tags
After installing this extension your forum is almost ready to go! Discussions get the right SEO tags, your homepage has the
Open source
This extension is fully open source and can be altered to your needs or you can contribute to the project so it benefits everyone using this extension. Check the source on GitHub!
Extends other Flarum extensions
This extension will work with the following extensions enabled or disabled. These extensions are not required, but it will work together if they are installed and enabled:
- Flarum likes from Flarum https://github.com/flarum/likes
- Flarum tags from Flarum https://github.com/flarum/tags
- Selected Post Best answer from FriendsOfFlarum https://discuss.flarum.org/d/21894-friendsofflarum-best-answer
- Sitemap from FriendsOfFlarum https://discuss.flarum.org/d/14941-fof-sitemap
- Pages from FriendsOfFlarum https://discuss.flarum.org/d/18301-friendsofflarum-pages
Using the latest SEO & share methods
The extension will use the following SEO & share methods:
Default HTML meta tags:
- application-name
- description
- keywords
- language
to your forum, when Sitemap extension of FriendsOfFlarum is enabled, the link to your sitemap.xml will appear in the robots.txtThe Open Graph protocol (for social media, http://ogp.me):
- og:type
- og:title
- og:description
- og:url
- article:published_time
- article:updated_time
Schema.org SEO standards (most used by Search engines)
- WebPage https://schema.org/WebPage
- QAPage (default) https://schema.org/QAPage
- DiscussionForumPosting (when Question-Answer SEO results are disabled) https://schema.org/DiscussionForumPosting
- CollectionPage https://schema.org/CollectionPage
- ProfilePage https://schema.org/ProfilePage
Sets page image to social media if set. When the first post contains an image, it will be used instead.